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Accountability for meeting deadlines, following through on commitments and producing accurate work.


After my group completed the report update for our Service Learning Team Project, we chose to divide up the work and responsibilities per our plan. For our project we decided to host a booth at SLC Vendor Alley to inform students about sexual assault. At our booth we planned on presenting general information on sexual assault, providing on-campus resources (e.g. brochures), and creating an interactive quiz for participants to test their knowledge. We split up the workload and I exercised my responsibility skills by completing my assigned tasks in an accurate and timely manner.



From the list of items that needed to get done, I agreed to complete the following tasks: create the physical poster to help market the event on social media, create the questions for our interactive quiz, and help design the physical board for our event. I planned completing the above work per the schedule we had set out in our status report.  Since we scheduled our event on Friday, November 4, it was important to have enough time to promote the event on social media. I proposed that we create a poster to have a visual means to inform our friends and peers about our event. I took responsibility for this task because I had both the interest and skills to create the poster (refer to Figure 1). I set a deadline of completing the poster on Monday, October 31 so my group would have enough time to share the poster form their own social media channels. I consulted with my group to decide what information we needed and I incorporated those elements into our poster. Once I completed the poster, I sent it to my group for approval and then forwarded it to Professor O’Hara to post on LEARN. After completing that task, I prioritized working on the board’s quiz questions with Dana. Dana and I split up tasks, and she was responsible for research and I was tasked with drafting the questions based on our research (refer to Figure 2). I was mindful that we needed to get the board completed by Wednesday, November 2, so I drafted the questions right away once Dana sent me the research on sexual assault facts. After this task was completed, I worked with Elizabeth to create the actual board that consolidated everyone’s information on sexual assault on Wednesday, November 2. I completed my fair share of the work as I formatted the information required, and Elizabeth pasted it on to the board (refer to Figure 3). After we completed the board, I communicated with my team that it was completed, along with the other tasks I was assigned to.



Because of my ability to complete the poster, quiz questions and poster board in a timely manner, my group completed all the components we had planned for in time for our event. My accountability for my work positively impact other components of the team; for example, by completing my quiz questions early, Elizabeth and I completed the board sooner than expected. My diligence and work approach skill helped my team produce work that was complete and accurate. This experience taught me that my actions influence other people and that I must take responsibility and action if I want to be a group member who positively contributes to the quality of my team’s work.

Figure 1: A copy of the poster I created for our event Let's Talk About Sex: A Discussion About Sexual Assault and Violence on Adobe Illustrator.

Figure 2: A draft of the quiz questions I created with Dana.

Figure 3: Elizabeth assembling the board we created for our event. 

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