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The ability to problem solve is a critical competency necessary to complete any task. When working on a project it's inevitable that problems will be encountered. When facing the ambiguity or conflict involved in work tasks or coursework, I use my problem solving skills by evaluating information and weighing alternatives to resolve an issue or choose an appropriate course of action.  


Leadership is an important skill to practice when working with others. One does not have to be in an authoritative position to use their leadership skills. I believe that leadership occurs when others empower themselves and others to take action.  I use my leadership skills by setting direction, creating a vision, and having the determined attitude necessary to motivate and support my team through the experiences we face as collaborators. 


Teamwork is a crucial part of real-world work. It is necessary for colleagues to collaborate and work together to achieve a common goal. Teamwork encourages individuals to cooperate and use their individual skills to contribute to the benefit of the group and its success. I practice my teamwork skills by communicating with others, getting input on decisions, and providing feedback to help my team members improve their work.

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